Scripture Reading - John 14:16-17 KJV

16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

We have spoken about the Holy Spirit as our Caring “Comforter”, our Ready “Reminder” and our Tender “Teacher” but there is still more. The Holy Spirit is also referred to as “The Spirit of Truth”. This Holy Spirit that dwells inside every Christian not only bears witness to truth but He is all truth. Some people might wonder what is truth? However, that is answered by The Lord Jesus Himself in Saint John 17:17b with the statement, “Thy Word is Truth”. Jesus was speaking with (praying to) our Heavenly Father so it is safe to say that God’s Word is “Truth”. Since the Holy Spirit came forth from the Heavenly Father it is no surprise that He is “the Spirit of Truth”. We also know that the Word of God and the Spirit of God agree on God’s Truth because Jesus was also sent into the world to bear witness to truth. Notice, in Saint John 18:37 Jesus told Pontius Pilate that He came into this world to bear witness unto the truth. The Lord Jesus also said, “Every one that is of the truth hears my voice”. This is exactly how we fit into God’s Plan for our life because we are born of “the Spirit of Truth”. Since we have “God’s Spirit of Truth” and we also have God’s Word of Truth in the package of the living Holy Bible we have what we need to be successful in this earth. We start by being born-again by the Blood of Jesus, this new birth includes “the Spirit of Truth” so that when truth (God’s Word) is heard by our spiritual ears (our heart) we know it is right. Many people ask us (ihlcc), “How do I hear God’s Voice?” and we commonly reply by hearing God’s Word. “The Spirit of Truth” as “The Teacher” will help you understand truth because He intimately knows God’s Word better than anyone else on the plant. Remember “the Spirit of Truth” dwells here on earth inside every believer so we are without excuse when it comes to knowing truth. Truth is always presented to us in God’s Word so knowing the truth is simply knowing God’s Word. It is true that Jesus Christ saved us, healed us, preserved us, redeemed us, is with us and is coming back to get us very soon. However these many truths can escape our mind if we don’t spend adequate time inside the Holy Bible studying the reality of God’s Truths. We must be diligent to not only read truth in God’s Word but also study God’s Word to know more truth and have a better understanding of the truths we hold dear to our heart. Yes, “the Spirit of Truth” is here to bear witness to truth both spiritually and naturally. Therefore, you shall know the truth and the truth you know will set you free, indeed. Truth is right so be right minded by relying upon “the Spirit of Truth” to set you free. We (ihlcc) firmly believe that once you study God’s Word on a consistent basis with all sincerity you will know “The Truth” (The Lord) because “the Spirit of Truth” will set you free through the very real revelation of Jesus Christ within you, our eternal Hope of Glory. Amen!